
Usually, when we hear the word “gyroplane, auto-gyro, autogiro, gyrocopter” it is simply associated with currently most popular helicopters. At the first look, gyroplane construction, especially for people not familiar in technical details, can be similar to helicopter – but is good to know that gyroplane is in fact absolutely different!

Against all appearances the ancestor of the gyroplane is not a helicopter. B asically it is in the opposite – gyroplanes has been created earlier, and their design was the basis for the creation of helicopters.

Gyroplanes, similar as helicopters, are maintained in the air with the flexible, rotored blades (called rotor). However, unlike their cousins

There is a lot of gyroplanes construction in the world – professional, home-made, experimental. Some of them are more “beauty” or more speedy than others. It is good to know what models are best sellers and why, especially when you are dreaming about your own gyro aircraft.